Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Ohio Adventure, This Time ;) Ha!

It WAS NOT planned. Are any of my adventures ever really planned? Didn't think so :)

Not even a week before Boot Camp I spoke with my online friend, Erin about how I wished she lived closer to Columbus so I could go to the Boot Camp and meet her, FINALLY!

It worked out and I was just 17 hours away! Woo hoo. Wanting to meet the one who connected me to FAC in Cincinnati (the place I was going to move to), I thought it would be cool to swing by and pick up Terry.

Well it didn't happen that easily. I ended up being too tired to drive all the way to Dover (2 hrs north of Columbus and 3 1/2 hours north of Cincy) because then I may not have time to go to Thursday night service! I HAD to be there for the opening service, so I stayed at a hotel in Cincy on Thursday night, so I could take Terry.

Two AM Thursday night I had to drive back to Cincy lol. Needless to say, I almost killed us all taking Terry home! I literally fell asleep! And why a 20 year old doesn't have his license yet? Just BOO! lol

Anyway, we headed out for Boot Camp bright and early Friday morning just to slam into a 2x2 in the road doing almost 70 MPH!. IT BENT my WHEEL! lol Thank God for Geico roadside service and the nice mechanic who rescued us!

I mossied onto the church, donut and all.

Friday night RAIN OUT. However the kids and I decided to take advantage of it and splash in the ankle deep waters. Talk about a good time and very memorable. We had a blast and made the most of it!

I finally got to meet DJ (Erin's hubby) who can rock the violin! Then I met Erin that night after church! She is SO funny and fun to be around! Her babies are gorgeous and I am just blessed to finally meet her!

Friday night service was amazing! I enjoyed all of the awesome testimonies!

Getting 5 kids ready is a task and we were late Saturday lol. You know I hate being late! We had a good time with blitzing and reaching the lost. My kids love doing outreach and this was definitely a great experience.

Saturday night I was caught by a State Trooper swerving and was pulled over in DJ's car! LOL I mean the thing is touchy!... Power steering maxed! Phew, he let me slide ;) All it takes is a smile and a little prayer - oh and a little brother who let him know we were on our way back from a church convention. I was NOT drunk!... on liquor.

Sunday service at Pastor Hall's in Dover was outstanding! He preached "You cannot follow a parked car". I found that to be quite appropriate, considering! LOL He and Sis Hall were very nice and gracious. I can see making their church my church. That church seems to have a good outreach structure! I just wished I could have attended the bike rally this weekend! Oh well :-/

Over all it was fun! I had to leave a day later and it took a day to get home but all is well. I just loved the fact that I got to spend a night in my favorite place and meet many new people! Life is grand! ;)


  1. I don't have my license because I haven't had anyone to help me learn to drive. But I do agree with the Boo part because it stinks, maybe the next time to you go to dover I will be there and I will be able to drive you from columbus to dover lol. I had fun overall and I can't believe you actually admitted to almost killing us lol.

  2. Lol this is my blog bro - I tend to just let it all hang out! haha No pun about the license but BOO none-the-less. It would have been so nice to let you drive to Cincy Thursday night! LOL
